

Forms in SEMYOUTemplate offer the possibility of simple data input before a template is generated. Via so called. Form fields, the user can easily and conveniently enter the data via input fields before the generation, which are then set accordingly within the template. A prerequisite for the use of forms is that the templates contain the appropriate form fields.

There are two types of forms:

  • Simple forms
  • Complex forms with data source connection


Complex forms

To create complex forms with data sources, first read the article Data Sources: Custom.




Creating a simple form

To create a new form, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Settings > Forms 
  3. Select New 
  4. Assign a unique name, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar. 
  5. Optionally, enter a description and save the new data source.
  6. Now select the new data source in the list.
  7. Now define the attributes / columns of the new data source using the New field button
  8. Assign a unique name for the new attribute, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar.
  9. In addition to the unique name, each attribute also has a label that is displayed for the use of the attribute. The label can be different from the name and can also contain umlauts, spaces and special characters. In our example we define the field Company
  10. Now define which data type the new attribute should have. Choose between the following data types: Text, Date, Checkbox, Image. In our example we define the field Text
  11. Now repeat steps 8-10 for the field with the name: Recipient


Form created

You have now created a form that can be easily used within templates via Designer.





The following prerequisites must be met:

  • You have a SEMYOU user account.
  • You have a valid TEMPLATE App license
  • You have the app administration permissions