Edit user profile

Edit user profile

Every user has the possibility to edit his profiles in SEMYOU Template independently. I.e. the values of the attributes existing within a profile are defined by the user himself.

To edit an existing user profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and passwordhttps://template.semyouonline.com
  2. Select Profile from the left navigation menu 
  3. Select the profile you want to edit
  4. Select via the context menu The editing window with all user attributes defined in advance will be displayed. 
  5. Perform your editing and save it. The updated profile is immediately available for template generation.



Please note that every user has a so called Default profile, which cannot be deleted.





The following prerequisites must be met:

You have a SEMYOU user account.

You have a valid TEMPLATE app license.