Data sources

Data sources - overview

Data sources are the basis for template generation in SEMYOU TEMPLATE. A data source defines a business object with fields and the corresponding values. The following data sources are distinguished in SEMYOU TEMPLATE:

Data source type



The data source object BusinessUnit represents a standard data source of SEMYOU TEMPALTE, which is used fixed for the clients. This data source exists only once and cannot be deleted. The attributes within this object can be freely defined.

The attributes defined here thus characterize a client. The values of these attributes can be changed via the client - editing.


The data source object UserProfile represents a standard data source of SEMYOU TEMPALTE, which is used fix for the user profiles. This data source exists only once and cannot be deleted.

The attributes defined here characterize a user profile. The values of these attributes can be changed via profile editing.


The Custom data sources represent individual data sources that can be created and characterized by the user. These data sources serve as the basis for form fields.


To manage the data sources, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Settings > Data Sources. The administration area is displayed



The following prerequisites must be met:

  • You have a SEMYOU user account.
  • You have a valid TEMPLATE App license
  • You have the app administration permissions




Data source: BusinessUnit

The BusinessUnit data source is the basis for clients and describes which attributes are available within a client.


Create new attribute in BusinessUnit


To create a new attribute in BusinessUnit, which can then be used in templates, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Settings > Data Sources > BusinessUnit
  3. Select New Field
  4. Assign a unique name for the new attribute, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar.
  5. In addition to the unique name, each attribute also has a label that is displayed for the use of the attribute. The label can be different from the name and can also contain umlauts, spaces and special characters.
  6. Optionally, you can also enter a category and a description for the new attribute. This information is for administrative purposes only.
  7. Now define which data type the new attribute should have. Choose between the following data types: Text, Date, Checkbox, Image.
  8. Save the input. The new field has now been created and can be filled with values via client editing. Furthermore, the new field is also available for selection for the template design.


 Data source: UserProfile

The data source UserProfile represents the basis for user profiles and describes which attributes are available within a user profile.


Create new attribute in UserProfile


To create a new attribute in UserProfile that can then be used in templates, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Settings > Data Sources > UserProfile
  3. Select New Field
  4. Assign a unique name for the new attribute, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar.
  5. In addition to the unique name, each attribute also has a label that is displayed for the use of the attribute. The label can be different from the name and can also contain umlauts, spaces and special characters. 
  6. Optionally, you can also enter a category and a description for the new attribute. This information is for administrative purposes only.
  7. Now define which data type the new attribute should have. Choose between the following data types: Text, Date, Checkbox, Image.
  8. Save the input. The new field has now been created and can be filled with values via client editing. Furthermore, the new field is also available for selection for the template design.




Data source: Custom

In addition to the system-dependent data sources such as BusinessUnit and UserProfile, SEMYOU Template also offers the possibility to define Custom DataSources and to fill them with data. A Custom DataSource can represent, for example, a customer list or similar, which can then be used in conjunction with forms during template generation.

In this article you will learn:

  • What are Custom-Data-Sources
  • How to create a new custom data source (Custom Data Source)
  • Populate data source with data


Create new custom data source


To create a new data source, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Settings > Data Sources
  3. Select New 
  4. Assign a unique name, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar.In our example we name the data source Customer list 
  5. Optionally, enter a description and save the new data source.
  6. Now select the new data source in the list.
  7. Now define the attributes / columns of the new data source using the New field button
  8. Assign a unique name for the new attribute, which does not already exist. Make sure that the name does not contain umlauts, spaces, special characters or similar. In our example we define the field Company 
  9. In addition to the unique name, each attribute also has a label that is displayed for the use of the attribute. The label can be different from the name and can also contain umlauts, spaces and special characters. In our example we define the field Company
  10. Now define which data type the new attribute should have. Choose between the following data types: Text, Date, Checkbox, Image. In our example we define the field Text 
  11. We now repeat steps 8-10 for the field with the name: Recipient You have now successfully created and characterized the new data source



Populate data source with data

After defining the data source with the structure in advance, we can then proceed to populate the data.

The data must be in the standardized JSONformat.

For our data source customer list this means now






This object attribute must be present in every JSON file and is necessary for internal processing.

This field MUST NOT be specified using the attributes in the data source structure.



This object attribute must be present in every JSON file and is necessary for internal processing.


This field MUST NOT be specified using the attributes in the data source structure.

This attribute can be used to control whether a record should be selected by default. This value can be set to either 0 or 1.



Individually created attribute of the data source



Individually created attribute of the data source


JSON format from our example:

JSON format from our example:
    "TenantGuid": "",
    "IsDefault": "0",
    "Unternehmen": "Microsoft",
    "Empfaenger": "Daniel Gregg"
    "TenantGuid": "",
    "IsDefault": "0", 
    "Unternehmen": "IBM",
    "Empfaenger": "Michael Jordon"


Now, to load this data into the data source, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to SEMYOU TEMPLATE with your username and password:
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Settings > Data Sources
  3. Select the data source. In our example company
  4. Open the context menu > Data
  5. Select the local JSON file This will be loaded into the data source after selection. Before saving, the file is validated for format and content.
  6. After successful upload, you can view the data in the form of a table or retrieve the JSON. 


Data separation by client

The data of a data source can refer either to all clients or to specific clients. Both variants are mapped using the same data set in JSON format. For this differentiation, the default required attribute "TenantGuid" is used, which must be present in each data set.

  • Case 1: If there are entries in the data set where the attribute "TenantGuid" does NOT contain a value, this data is valid and selectable for all clients.
  • Case 2: If there are entries in the data set where the attribute "TenantGuid" contains ONE value, this data is used exclusively for this client. The data from case 1 will not be displayed in this case.


Client GUID

The GUID of the respective clients can be viewed via the client list in the administration area.



The maximum size of the JSON file is limited to 5MB!