To gain access to the saved document templates, you must first log in using the MS-Word add-in "SEMYOU Template".

Logging in to SEMYOU Template with a SEMYOU user account.

Log in to SEMYOU Template with an external user account of your organization.


Log in via SEMYOU user account:

To log in, follow the steps below:

  1. In Windows, start the Microsoft Word app.
  2. In the toolbar, switch to the "SEMYOUTemplates" ribbon. Please note that the name of the ribbon may differ depending on the configuration.
  3. Select The SEMYOU TEMPLATE add-in is displayed in the right side panel. The login options will load. 
  4. Select the "Log in with SEMYOU account" option and click Next.
  5. Enter your domain, username and password
  6. After successful login, the available clients and templates will be loaded and displayed.



Please note that for logging in with an external organization account a configuration via SEMYOU Administration Console is required in advance.




Login via external user account of your organization

To log in, follow the steps below:

  1. In Windows, start the Microsoft Word app.
  2. In the toolbar, switch to the "SEMYOUTemplates" ribbon. Please note that the name of the ribbon may differ depending on the configuration.
  3. Select The SEMYOU TEMPLATE add-in is displayed in the right side panel. The login options will load.
  4. Select the "Log in with an external organization account" option and click Next.
  5. You will be redirected to your organization login page. Now log in with your credentials.


After successful login, the available clients and templates will be loaded and displayed.


The following prerequisites must be met:

You have a SEMYOU user account.

You have a valid TEMPLATE app license.

You have installed the Microsoft "SEMYOU Template" add-in

You have an active internet connection


Important notes

Offline mode

If there is no active internet connection, the offline mode will be displayed directly. To use the offline functionality, please observe the corresponding restrictions.


Browser component

The login is done via the integrated Windows standard component "Browser", which is based in the background on the respective valid Windows browser. For current Windows versions, the Microsoft Edge browser is used. Settings and design depend on these settings!